
Gorakha: A mid-hill town lies between Kathmandu and Pokhara. The legend of Gurkhas begins here. Situated on a hill overlooking the snowy peaks of the Himalaya is the beautiful Gorakha Durbar. The Gorakha Durbar is a fort with palace and temple complex. It was from this very palace that King Prithvi Narayan Shah began his campaign to unify the present Kingdom of Nepal. Gorakha is a starting point of Trekking in Manaslu region.



Chase the tigers of Nepal’ is a must for anyone remotely interested in wildlife. There are very few places left in the world to see these iconic creatures in their unspoiled natural habitat where the tiger is neither tamed nor accustomed to contact with human behaviour . Bardia National Park is decleared as the second best place in the world to see tiger by Lonely Planet. Nepal has Doubled its Tiger population in 4 years timespan.
